Thursday, November 11, 2010

Adventures on the Underground

Me: I was thinking of setting up a new blog. (Red wine induced Positivity)

Friend: About what?

Me: I don't really know. (The cracks emerge)

Friend: But what about your old blog?

Me: (Feeling guilty about abandoning it like a burnt out car) Yeah, but I don't live in Dublin anymore, so it would almost be like lying.

Friend: It could be an Irish person's take on London.

Me: (Thinking its not the 80's anymore and I don't have the wit or observational skills to pull it off) Mmmmmmm.

Friend: You may as well.

Me: (Realising my only other extra cirriculars are making me more circular by the day) Yeah, maybe I will so.


Rosie said...

[insert witty comment here, as i'm having a bad fucking day]

i'm so glad you're back.

the dublinista said...

I hope your day improved.

I'm happy to be back!

London said...

Learn to spell.

Rosie said...

London should learn some manners.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, but come on. If you are going to blog you need to have some basic writing skills. Even try spellcheck. This blog is littered with spelling mistakes. It's also really cliche and predictable - The old Irish exile routine. Sheer laziness.

the dublinista said...

Thanks for your critique London. I agree with you-this blog is a load of cliched shite, but I don't remember claiming any different.

I was surprised to hear that my spelling is so atrocious- I thought I at least had that on my side. You learn something new every day I suppose.