Monday, October 13, 2008

How to Lose friends and Alienate people

Make them sit through an hour of this piece of shite.*

I’m definitely not an expert on book to film transitions, but I did think that it was common knowledge that some adaptations had to be made. If your story took place in a different decade, either set the film in that time period or update the fucking script. News flash: mobile phones are no longer a novelty. Extended scenes of people texting eachother and everyone producing a phone from their pocket at the same time hasn’t raised a laugh since 1995. Everyone has a phone now-we get it, you’re not making any ground breaking social commentary.
Theres a moment where the protaginist drives through the streets of New York- windows rolled down, wide eyed grin, exaggerated head turn for reaction (cue people ignoring him so they can send texts on their brand new ultra cool accessory-the phone) Its carried out with the eagerness and excitement of someone who’s just pulled into shore on a famine ship.

Ultimately-I just cannot get my head around the popularity of Simon Pegg. Like the legions of people who love Anchorman, I'm left cold. I cannot believe this came from the same womb as Curb your Enthusiasm.

* which subsequently is all I actually managed to sit through. (The last film I left before the credits rolled was "American Pie: The Wedding.")


Anonymous said...

Shaun of the Dead and Hot Fuzz were both pretty good, as for this new one though-I'd rather not see it than confirm how shit it looks

Mearsley said...

Haha, I saw the film and I totally know what you mean. I thought Hot Fuzz was deadly but this new film re hashed so many cliches it was unbearable.

That famine ship line is so funny!