Thursday, October 2, 2008

Under lung swept

I switched on my computer tonight to a mass nervous breakdown.

He said it himself- he was one man with a blog. That is it.

I started blogging for the same reason everyone starts blogging-because I felt I had something to say. As the weeks go on and the posts come so slowly they risk self deletion I struggle to realise what exactly I do have to say, or offer, that hasn't been said before.

I'm still new to this and don't really know where its going. I know I never wanted it to be an intimate blog. The interesting stuff is only that way to me and the other shit is just dull*

*Save for that gripping tale of my trip to the dentist.


Anonymous said...

I look at a blog as just a carved out little corner to write whatever the hell you like. That's what's cool about it; it can be whatever the hot hell you want it to be. Confessional (if that's your deal), news-related, hobby-related, short fiction, hell a blog about someone's 3rd nipple is fair fucks, I reckon. Nobody has to read it, if they don't want to, but it's there and it's your's and all kinds of people are doing all kinds of great things on blogs all over. That's what makes it exciting to me.

Rosie said...

what Sam said. you excite me no end.
(winks exaggeratedly)

Lottie said...

I started so I would understand what the hell my other half was going on about all the time. I have nothing of any interest or consequence to say.

I like your blog - it doesn't need to be intimate. Just be.

the dublinista said...

Problemchildbride- I completely agree. I read what I like and ignore the rest. Theres no denying your guilty pleasures when it comes down to it.

Rosie-The excitement is mutual.
(kicks you off your chair and straddles you)

Lottie- Well people like your blog so don't be so hard on yourself.
I wasn't fishing for compliments, but thank you for yours!

Andrew said...

Yeah, what they all said really.
it was only once I'd started my blog that i realised i didn't have quite as much to say as I thought I did. But I'm OK with that, because when i do have something that I feel is worth saying then it's nice to know that I have a place where i can say it. And that one or two others may want to chime in with their own thoughts on the matter.

the dublinista said...

Its weird like that, isn't it Andrew? You're right though-you don't need to have something to say all the time.

Anonymous said...

I was dismayed at how little I had to say for ages when I started my blog. Now I find that I can't shut up, every time I sit in front of a computer I just fart 3 or 4 hundred words onto the screen.

If its gonna happen it will, you have x-million thoughts a day and I can garuntee you that a lot of them are worth sharing. I quite like this blog by the by

the dublinista said...

Why thank you for the compliment Rua, and that is a compliment coming from you*.

*That was meant to sound flattering and sincere, it looks a little confrontational actually.

Anonymous said...

Don't worry, I prefer confrontational to flattering anyway-flattery makes you weak, confrontation lets you question yourself.

Thats too good a line, I have to use it for something else. hmmm...