Saturday, August 9, 2008

Breaking the Ice

I decided yesterday to finally set this up. It turns out its not as easy as it looks... My first foray into blogging involved me sitting in front of the laptop for 2 hours staring blankly at the screen desperately thinking of what to write. 5 drafts later and I was beginning to question whether English was actually my first language.
I ventured to the kitchen in the hopes that some wine and baked potatoes might make it all a bit more fluid. It didn't, and it turns out that lightning can indeed strike twice-the tea towel I was using to take the tray out of the oven, landed in the boiling oil, then onto my finger and then onto the same finger again 20 minutes later when I was repeating the process.
I headed to bed slightly drunk and blistered and reassured myself that as long as this wasn't the type of shit I tried to blog about, then things might turn out alright.


Mearsley said...

That's actually really funny, I keep re-reading it. I can wait to see how this developes.

Andrew said...

Nice first post, I like it. It's like that when you start out, i felt exactly the same. But after a little less than 4 months I feel like I've been at it forever.

By the way, you should take off that word verification thing, it puts people off commenting and in my experience you don't really get any spam on Blogger sites.

the dublinista said...

Thanks for the comment Andrew, and the encouraging words.

I'm still very much a newbie-didn't know the reason for the verification, nor did I know I had it (as ridiculous as that sounds)

I'm on it.

Anonymous said...

5 drafts? Save that for the novel, blogging is like joining a religeon that worships typos.

Nice post bye the bye

the dublinista said...

Thanks Rua,
It does kind of feel like a religion, or a cult at least.