Friday, August 15, 2008

Born to Run

I never watch sports-and rarely participate in them, but I've found myself strangely drawn to the Olympics. It only really occurred to me what was happening the other day when I realised I'd spent over 25 minutes watching people kayaking down a man made river, open mouthed in awe. I had absolutely no idea what way they were meant to be going around the various poles, but it didn't seem to matter-I was transfixed.
When the Irish guy didn't get a medal I felt genuine loss-to the point of welling up-and then it occured to me. I'm never going to win a medal at the Olympics either.
I described this to people last night and was told it was a case of "Olympic Depression."The point you realise that you're too old and too fat to ever make it as a professional athlete. It begins mid-event. Adrenaline courses through your veins and you start to imagine yourself there, going for gold-10,000 metre run-I can do that, fast walking-I can do that, the cheers, the tears, the finish line- You're there! Then its all over and your left on your couch-eating crisps and changing the channel with your medalless hands.
Maybe in 2012.


Mearsley said...

I just watched the 100m final on youtube and I got the urge to go out and start training to sprint but then I realised that I'm too fat, too old and too lazy to do anything more than think about it. I never knew other people felt this way too.

Sarah Gostrangely said...

so true dublinista.

I get that feeling when I occasionally watch the Premiership.

If only I was 10 years younger, a male, and Spanish/Portuguese/super hot and gifted at futbol...

I could SO be earning millions right now.


the dublinista said...

Raymond: I find a quick run for a bus usually dispells any Olympic Hopes.

Sarah: Lets start a league.